The night is painted by your dream
Your perfume fills my lungs to
You are a feast for my eye!
All shapes of woe you belie
As the body of earth is washed by
From my soul you cleanse all stain!
In my burning body you are a turning
In the shade of my eyelashes you are
a blazing fire.
You are more verdant than a wheat
More fruit than golden boughs you
To the suns you open the gate
To counteract dark doubt’s spate
With you there is no reason for
But the pain of joyful tears
This sad heart of mine and profuse
This din of life in the abyss of blight?
The glance in your eyes is my field
And with it my eyes are sealed
Before this I had no other image
Or I would not but you envisage
The pain of love is a dark pain
Going and demeaning oneself in vain
Leaning against people with black
Defiling oneself with the filth of
Finding in caresses venom of wile
Finding villainy in friend’s smile
Handing gold coins to the marauding
Getting lost in the midst of the
bazaar land
With my soul united you will be
From grave you will raise me
Like a star on wings decked with
You come from a land untold.
You alleviate sorrow’s pang
Flooding my body with embrace’s tang
You are a stream flowing onto my dry
My bed of my veins with your water
is blest
Within a world which on darkness
does feed
With every step you take I proceed
Underneath my skin you go!
There like blood you flow
Burning my tresses with a fondling
Flushing my cheeks with an urging
You are a stranger to my gown
An acquaintance with my body’s lawn
You are a shining sun that never
A sun that rises in Southern skies
You are fresher than first light
Fresher than spring, a lusher sight
This is no longer love; this is
A chandelier that in silence and
darkness died
When Love did my heart entice
I was filled with a sense of
This is no longer me, this is no
longer me
My life with my ego amounted to a
null degree
My lips your kisses prize
Your lips are the temple of my eyes
In me you stir a great rhapsody
Your curves are an attire on my body
O how I crave to sprout
And my joy with sorrow shout
O how I wish to rise
And my eyes with tears baptize
This forlorn heart of mine and
incense perfume?
The music of harp and lyre in a
prayer room?
This void and these flights?
These songs and these silent nights?
Your glance is a wondrous lullaby
Cradling restless babes thereby
Your breath is a trancing breeze
Washing off me tremors of unease
Finding in my morrows a place to
Permeating my world deep and deep
In me the passion for poetry you
Over my lays you cast instant fire
You kindled my passionate desire
Thus setting my poems afire.
©Ali Salami 2017